– Just This Once (1952) is a charming romantic comedy that showcases the talents of Peter Lawford and Janet Leigh. Directed by Don Weis, the film tells the story of a wealthy playboy who is forced to learn the value of money and responsibility.   

A Tale of Two Extremes

Mark MacLene IV (Peter Lawford) is a spoiled and irresponsible millionaire who has squandered his fortune. To curb his extravagant spending, a judge appoints Lucy Duncan (Janet Leigh), a no-nonsense lawyer, to manage his finances. Lucy’s strict budgeting and practical approach to life clashes with Mark’s carefree and impulsive nature.   

A Clash of Personalities

As Mark and Lucy clash, they gradually develop a mutual respect and attraction for each other. Through a series of humorous and heartwarming encounters, they begin to see each other in a new light. Mark learns the importance of hard work and responsibility, while Lucy discovers the joy of letting loose and embracing life’s pleasures.

A Classic Hollywood Romance

Just This Once is a classic Hollywood romantic comedy that blends humor, romance, and social commentary. The film’s witty dialogue, charming performances, and picturesque settings make it a delightful viewing experience. The chemistry between Peter Lawford and Janet Leigh is palpable, adding to the film’s romantic appeal.

A Timeless Tale of Love and Redemption

Just This Once is a timeless tale of love, redemption, and personal growth. The film’s message about the importance of financial responsibility and the power of love continues to resonate with audiences today.